History of Kazan

The capital of Tatarstan, Kazan, is situated within the distance of 797 km east of Moscow. The city is located on the left bank of the Volga River, in the confluence with the Kazanka River. Since ancient times Kazan was a commercial intermediary between the East and the West. With the years it has played the greater role in political, economical and international connections.
Kazan in Tatar means “copper”. This name corresponds to the intensive and dynamic history of the city. The territory of Kazan is 425,3 square kilometers. The population is about 1110000 people, including 40,7% young citizens under 30. The inhabitants of the capital are representatives of more than 101 nationalities: 34 national-and-cultural associations are functioning in the city. The historical and cultural heritage let the capital of Tatarstan be referred to “A”-class cities alongside Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The border of the historical center of the city coincides with the Kazan city line of 1890 and is equal to 1700 hectares or about 6 percents of the territory. The Kazan City Council is the main legislative government body of the capital. The executive power is fulfilled by the Administration of the Kazan city. Kazan is divided into 7 administrative districts, including 2 prefectures. Kazan is a big scientific, educational and industrial centre of Russia, which played an important role in Russian and world history and culture. Kazan has 7 state theatres, 8 cinemas, 27 musical schools, 2 art schools, the Drama School, the Musical College and the Ballet College in the capital of Tatarstan as well as the National library, 4 republican and 65 city libraries, the State Museum of the Republic and its branches.
The Kazan State University was the third one, founded in Russia, after the Moscow and the St. Petersburg universities. In all there are 29 establishments of higher education in the city, alongside the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, the Kazan Center of the RF Academy of Sciences and a number of scientific and research institutes. The capital of Tatarstan, Kazan, is a big railway, motorway and air junction. Besides, it is the largest port on the Volga River. The underground, which was commissioned in 2005, is being built in the city. Kazan is the main economical centre of Tatarstan as 35% of population, working in economical spheres of the republic of Tatarstan is concentrated in the city. There are 151 enterprises of different scale in Kazan, and 98 of them are joint-stock companies. The main branches of industry are mechanical engineering, chemical, petro-chemical, light and food industry.

The most up-to-date communications, such as telephone, wire and radio connection, are used in Kazan. Kazan is the capital of interesting people and multi-national republic. This nation has its own language, culture, old traditions, religion and holidays. Being the centre of multi-national culture, contemporary Kazan became the organizer of the International Festival of Opera Singing, named after F. Shalyapin and the International Festival of Ballet Dancing. It is impossible to imagine the spiritual life of the city without Tatar national holidays, such as Sabantui, Nauruz and the main fete – the Day of the republic, which is celebrated on August, 30. This holiday combines both ancient customs and new image of the Kazan city. The city is a member of international organizations, such as the World Twin Cities Federation, the Organization of the World Heritage Cities, the International Association of Twined Cities, the European Association of Historical Cities and Regions and the Congress of the Municipal Organizations of Russia.
The climate is temperate continental. Average temperature in January (the coldest month) is -14C (below zero), in July (the hottest month) +19C (above zero). Moscow time.Local currency is Russian ruble. Currency rate information, set by the Central Bank of Russia, is acceptable at the server of the Central Bank of Russia. Banks of Kazan accept credit cards for payment. The state banks of Kazan are open for clients from 9.00 to 19.00, on Saturday from 9.00 to 16.00. Sunday is the day off.
Provision stores sand markets are daily open from 8.00 to 20.00.
Shops of consumers’ goods are open from 10.00 to 19.00, on Saturday from 10.00 to 18.00. Sunday is the day off.
Working hours for the department stores are 9.00 - 19.00. They are usually closed on Sunday. The Central Department Store is daily open.
Museums are open to the public from 10.00 to 17.00 every day except Monday